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What Can Monkeys Teach Us About Saving for Retirement?

It's hard to save money. It's really hard. It's hard for monkeys and it's hard for us humans as well. Laurie Santos, associate professor and director of Yale University's Comparative Cognition Laboratory, and her colleagues conducted some very interesting experiments involving capuchin monkeys and financial decision-making.

Manage My Own Investments? Are You Kidding?

Studies have demonstrated that the track record for individual investors is not encouraging. From 1990 to 2010, the unmanaged S&P 500 Index earned an average of 7.81% annually. Over that same period, the average equity investor earned a paltry 3.49% annually!

Les investisseurs sont-ils rationnels ? Prise en main

Les distorsions cognitives sont souvent la cause des mauvaises performances. Comment les minimiser?

Investisseurs irrationnels: si c’est à moi, c’est mieux

Deuxième distorsion cognitive: l’endowment effect, le fait de surestimer ce que vous avez dans le portefeuille, en perdant des opportunités de vente.

Investisseurs irrationnels : la peur de perdre

L’aversion au risque paralyse parfois les investisseurs qui ne savent pas quelle stratégie adopter. Warren Buffet a souvent expliqué qu’il suivait deux règles de base en tant qu’investisseur professionnel. Règle numéro un: "Ne pas perdre d'argent", règle numéro deux : "Suivre la règle numéro un".

Discover our Updated Real Estate Research: We Are Still Positive

Real Estate Prices had fallen by 50% in some U.S. Cities. While homeownership rate has been declining since 2004, and housing affordability is lower due to higher home prices and mortgage rates, we are still optimistic on the U.S. housing market. With home prices that bottomed out in 2012, home price appreciation has continued at a strong pace (more than 10%) in most top cities.

A World Without Commissions

Since inception in 2009, BFM does not accept any commissions as that would compromise the integrity and impartiality of our advice.

A commission-paid advisor may be motivated to sell you financial products unsuitable for your financial needs. A conflict of interest may be present that undermines an advisor's independent approach.

Assurance vie / PEA : Réforme des prélèvements sociaux. Nouveau calcul, nouvelle hausse (Sep. 2013)

Lors de la publication du projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale, le gouvernement a fait une mauvaise surprise aux épargnants détenteurs d’un contrat d’assurance vie ou d’un PEA.

Dorénavant, les prélèvements sociaux ne seront plus calculés en fonction de la date de réalisation de la plus value, mais en fonction du taux de la CSG/CRDS au moment du paiement de l’impôt.

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Housing Market Is Heating Up, if Not Yet Bubbling (Sep. 2013)

HOME prices have been rising rapidly, so much so that there is talk that we are entering another national bubble.

In fact, according to the S.& P./Case-Shiller Composite-10 Home Price Index, which Karl Case of Wellesley College and I developed, home prices in the United States were up 18.4 percent in real, inflation-corrected terms in the 16 months that ended in July. During the housing bubble that preceded the 2008 financial crisis, the largest 16-month increase wasn’t much bigger: 22.7 percent, for the period ended in July 2004.

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Impôts 2014 : ce qui vous attend (Sep. 2013)

Plusieurs dispositions phares du projet de loi de Finances 2014, visant les ménages et les ­entreprises, ont été rendues publiques. D’autres sont en arbitrage.

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