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Relative Growth of Merril Corporate and Treasuries Indices

Relative Growth - Merryll Corporate and Treasury Index.png

Relative Growth of Merril Emerging Markets and Treasuries Indices (1991-2015)

Relative Growth - Merrill Emerging Mkts and Treasuries.png

Relative Growth of Merril High Yield Cash and Treasuries Indices

Relative Growth - Merril HY Cash and Treasuries.png

Protectionism: Winners and Losers


Private Sector Debt Not Privately Financed, as a Percentage of GDP

Private Sector Debt not Privately Financed.png

Price Ratio of Value vs. Growth Indices at Levels Not Seen Since 2000

Price Ratios.png

U.S. Median Mortgage Payments and Rents as a Percentage of Median Income

Median Mortgage Payments.png

Managed Futures and Trend-Following Managed Futures Returns from 2000-2016

Managed Futures with Returns.png

Global Income Growth from 1988 to 2008

Income Growth.png

Average Excess Annual Returns 2008-2016

Excess Returns Before+After Taxes.png

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